《道德经, Dao De Jing》亦称《老子》

《太平经, Greater Peace Scriptures》亦称《太平清领书》

《黄帝内经, Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic》

《黄帝外径, Yellow Emperor's External Classic》

《黄帝四经, Yellow Emperor's Four Classics》

《黄帝阴符经, Yellow Emperor's Hidden Talisman Classic》亦称《黄帝天机经》

《黄帝九鼎神丹经诀, The Yellow Emperor's Canon of the Nine-Vessel Spiritual Elixir 》

《淮南子, The Huainan Masters》

《抱朴子, (the Master) who embraces simplicity》

《龙虎经, The Dragon and Tiger Classic》

《南华真经, Nanhua True Classic》亦称《庄子》

《冲虚真经, Chongxu True Classic》亦称《列子》

《文始真经, Wenshi True Classic》 亦称《关尹子》

《通玄真经, Tongxuan True Classic》亦称《文子》

《周易参同契, The seal of the unity of the three in accordance with the Book of Changes》

《黄庭经, Yellow Court Classic》

《玉皇经, Jade Emperor Classic》亦称 《高上玉皇本行集经》

《太玄经, Classic of the supreme mystery》 

《心经, Heart Sutra (of the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom)》亦称《般若波罗蜜多心经》

《金刚经, Diamond Sutra (of the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom)》亦称《金刚般若波罗蜜》

《孝经, Classic of Filial Piety》

《清静经, Classic of Stillness and Tranquility》

《定观经, Stability and Observation Classic》

《内观经, Internal Observation (Meditation) Classic》

《悟真篇, Chapters on Awakening to Perfection》

《金关玉锁诀, Perfected Chongyang's Instructions on the Gold Pass and Jade Lock》

《金丹大要, Golden Elixir Compendium》

《太乙金华宗旨, The Secret of the Golden Flower》

《大丹直指, Direct Pointers to the Great Elixir》

《金丹妙诀, Golden Elixir Marvellous Secrets》

《重阳全真集, Zhongyang Quanzhen Collection》

《重阳教化集, Zhongyang Teachings Transformation Collection》

《重阳分梨十化集, Chongyang's Anthology of the Ten Transformations by Dividing Pears》

《授丹阳二十四诀, Twenty-four insights for Dan-yang 》

《重阳立教十五论, Fifteen Discourses to Establish the Teachings》

《重阳祖师心传, Chongyang’s Transmitting the mind》

《重阳祖师论打坐, Ancestral Teacher Chongyang's Discourse on Meditation) 

《重阳祖师修仙了性秘, Secret Instructions on Cultivating Immortality & Realizing Innate Nature》

《灵宝毕法, Comprehensive Lingbao method》 

《五女传道书, Book of Dao passed by the five maidens》(亦称《五聖傳道,5 spirits pass on the dao》)

《万法归宗, All methods returning to the orthodox》

《禀圣如来, Arrival of the Gods》

《锦囊神仙论, Thesis on hints of the Immortals》

《八卦图, Diagram of the 8 Trigrams》

《六甲天元, 6 primaries original heaven》

《孫子兵法, Sunzi Military Methods》

《吳子兵法 - Wuzi Military Methods》

《紀效新书, New Manual Recording Effective Techniques》

《皇极经》 (亦称《皇极金丹九莲正信皈真还乡宝卷》)

《性命雙修萬神圭旨, The Imperative Doctrines for Cultivation in Human Nature and Longevity from the Ten Thousand Gods》 









《龙华经, Longhua Scripture》(亦称《古佛天真考证龙华宝经》

《法华经, Fahua Scripture》

《华严经, Flower Adornment Scripture》

《大日经, Great Sun Scripture》 


《罗祖五部经, Ancestor Luo's Five part Classic》共五部六册。第一部《苦功悟道卷》,第二部《叹世无为卷》,第三部《破邪显正钥匙卷》(两册),第四部《正信除疑无修证自在宝卷》,第五部《巍巍不动太山深根结果宝卷》


《正信除疑無修證自在寶卷, The Precious Volume of Self-Determination, Needing Neither Cultivation norVerification,    Which Rectifies Belief and Dispels Doubt》

《巍巍不動泰山深根結果寶卷, The Precious Volume of DeeplyRooted Karmic Fruits, Majestic and Unmoved Like  Mount Tai》 

《度人经, Scripture on Salvation》

《心法序要, Preface to the Heart Methods》

《道法直指, Direct methods of Dao》

《原道歌 Original Song of Dao》

《混元六天如意道法, Primordial six heavens sceptor Dao Methods》 

 《天心正法, Authentic methods of Tianxin》




 《玉堂大法, Major methods of the Jade Hall》

《大洞真经, Perfect Scripture of great profundity》 

《释三十九章经, Selected 39 essays scripture》

《灵书紫文, Purple texts inscribed by the spirits》

《三天正法经, Scripture of the correct method of the three heavens》

《黄气阳精三道顺行经, Huang Qi, Yang, Essence 3 ways accompanying scripture》

《太丹隐书, Great Elixir Secret Book》

《雌一玉检五老宝经, 5 Lao precious scripture》

《八素经, Eight White chariots scripture》

《九真中经, Central scripture of the 9 perfected》

《帝君九阴经, Lord Emperor Nine Yin Scripture》

《步天纲飞地纪上经, Pacing Heavens network and flying over earthly places Higher Scripture》

《龟山玄录, Turtle mountain mysterious records》

《真诰, Declarations of the Perfected》

《登真隐决, Ascending Perfection secret formula》












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