老君曰:大道无形,生育天地;大道无情,运行日月;大道无名,长养万物;吾不知其名,强名曰道。夫道者:有清有浊,有动有静;天清地浊,天动地静。男清女浊,男动女静。降本流末,而生万物。清者浊之源,动者静之基。人能常清静,天地悉皆归。 夫人神好清,而心扰之;人心好静,而欲牵之。常能遣其欲,而心自静,澄其心而神自清。自然六欲不生,三毒消灭。所以不能者,为心未澄,欲未遣也。能遣之者,内观其心,心无其心;外观其形,形无其形;远观其物,物无其物。三者既悟,唯见於空;观空亦空,空无所空;所空既无,无无亦无;无无既无,湛然常寂;寂无所寂,欲岂能生?欲既不生,即是真静。真常应物,真常得性;常应常静,常清静矣。如此清静,渐入真道;既入真道,名为得道,虽名得道,实无所得;为化众生,名为得道;能悟之者,可传圣道。 老君曰:上士无争,下士好争;上德不德,下德执德。执著之者,不名道德。众生所以不得真道者,为有妄心。既有妄心,即惊其神;既惊其神,即著万物;既著万物,即生贪求;即生贪求,即是烦恼。烦恼妄想,忧苦身心。但遭浊辱。流浪生死,常沉苦海,永失真道。真常之道,悟者自得,得悟道者,常清静矣。

The Great Dao has no form; It brings forth and raises heaven and earth.The Great Dao has no feelings;It regulates the course of the sun and the moon. The Great Dao has no name;It raises and nourishes the myriad beings.I do not know its name So I call it Dao. 

The Dao can be pure or turbid, moving or tranquil.Heaven is pure, earth is turbid;Heaven is moving, earth is tranquil.The male is moving, the female is tranquil. Descending from the origin,Flowing toward the end,The myriad beings are being born. Purity the source of turbidity,Movement the root of tranquility. Always be pure and tranquil; 

Heaven and earth Return to the primordial. The human spirit is fond of purity,But the mind disturbs it.The human mind is fond of tranquility,But desires meddle with it.Get rid of desires for good, And the mind will be calm.Cleanse your mind,And the spirit will be pure. Naturally the six desires won't arise, The three poisons are destroyed.Whoever cannot do this has not yet cleansed his mind, His desires are not yet driven out. Those who have abandoned their desires: Observe your mind by introspection And see there is no mind.Then observe the body,Look at yourself from without and see there is no body. Then observe others by glancing out afar and see there are no beings. Once you have realized these three,You observe emptiness!  

Use emptiness to observe emptiness,And see there is no emptiness.When even emptiness is no more,There is no more non-being either. Without even the existence of non-being There is only serenity,Profound and everlasting. When serenity dissolves in nothingness How could there be desires? 

When no desires arise You have found true tranquility. In true tranquility, go along with beings;In true permanence, realize inner nature. Forever going along, forever tranquil.  This is permanent purity, lasting tranquility. The Dao of true permanence Will naturally come to those who understand.

Those who understand the realization of the Dao will rest forever in the pure and tranquil.

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