Jin and Luo designate two important types of vessels (Mai) used by Qi to circulate in the whole body: the meridians (Jing) and their collaterals (Luo). The expression Jing Luo is a generic term definiting the whole network or circuits of the meridians and their collaterals.

The role of the Jing Luo system is to provide intervisceral connections and communication between the viscera and the extremities, and to regulate the function of each part of the body. The Jingluo Donggong is a deep acting exercise working on the body’s organs and immune system. Designed to totally detox, rejuvenate and restore vitality.

The Jingluo Donggong consists of four sections namely: Tongjing - Opening the channels, Xunxing - Strolling through the channels, Daoqi - Guiding Qi through the channels and Guiyuan - Return to the source.

功前准备 Gong Qian Zhunbei | Preparation

1 浑元站立 Hunyuan Zhanli | Standing straight with Composure

2 调整阴阳 Tiaozheng Yinyang | Regulate Yin and Yang

第一段: 通经 Di-Yi Duan: Tongjing Section 1: Opening the Channels

1 怀中抱月 Huaizhong Baoyue | Embracing the Moon

2 商商相接 Shangshang Xiangjie | Connect Shaoshang & Shangyang

3 掌推华山 Zhangtui Huashan | Pushing Mt Hua with the Palms

4 金龙盘柱 Jinlong Panzhu | Gold Dragons Coiling on a Pillar

5 拄地通天 Zhudi Tongtian | Stand Firmly & Stretch to the Sky

6 叶底藏花 Yedi Canghua | Hiding Flower Under Leaves

7 擒捉伏兔 Qinzhuo Futu | Catch the Hiding Rabbit

8 怀中抱月 Huaizhong Baoyue | Embracing the Moon

9 商商相接 Shangshang Xiangjie | Connect Shaoshang & Shangyang

10 气沉丹田 Qichen Dantian | Sink Qi to Dantian

第二段: 循行 Di-Er Duan: Xunxing Section 2: Strolling through the channels

11 春风摆柳 Chunfeng Bailiu | Willows Swinging in Spring Breeze

12 气行太阴 Qixing Taiyin | Circulate Qi Through Taiyin Channels

13 气行阳明 Qixing Yangming | Circulate Qi Through Yangming Channels

14 气贯百会 Qiguan Baihui | Taking Qi Through Baihui

15 劳宫开闱 Laogong Kaiwei | Opening Side Gate of Laogong

16 老翁拂髯 Laoweng Furan | Old Man Stroking Beard

17 气行厥阴 Qixing Jueyin | Circulate Qi Through Jueyin Channels

18 气行少阳 Qixing Shaoyang | Circulate Qi Through Shaoyang Channels

19 气贯百会 Qiguan Baihui | Taking Qi Through Baihui

20 怀中抱月 Huaizhong | Baoyue Embracing the Moon

21 商商相接 Shangshang Xiangjie | Connect Shaoshang & Shangyang

22 气沉丹田 Qichen Dantian | Sink Qi to Dantian

第三段: 导气 Di-San Duan: Daoqi Section 3: Guiding Qi through the Channels

23 大鹏压嗉 Dapeng Yasu Roc | Pressing Crop

24 磨面梳头 Momian Shutou | Rub Face & Comb Hair

25 童子拜佛 Tongzi Baifo | Child Worshipping Buddha

26 左右推碑 Zuoyou Tuibei | Pushing Two Stelae Apart

27 躬身吊尾 Gongshen Diaowei | Bending the Body Forward & Downward

28 白猿缩身 Baiyuan Suoshen | White Ape Shrinking its Body

29 仙鹤揉膝 Xianhe Rouxi | Crane Rubs its Knees

30 风摆荷叶 Fengbai Heye | Lotus Leaf Swinging in the Wind

31 二龙吐须 Erlong Tuxu |Two Dragons Blowing Beard

32 气导涌泉 Qidao Yongquan | Guiding Qi to Yongquan

33 左右睡枕 Zuoyou Shuizhen | Pillowing the Head on Both Sides

34 低头思静 Ditou Sijing | Droop Head for Quietude

35 仰面观天 Yangmian Guantian | Lift Head to Look at the Sky

36 脑后托盔 Naohou Tuokui | Holding the Helmet Behind the Head

37 抱气似球 Baoqi Siqiu | Embracing Qi as if Holding a Ball

38 气导涌泉 Qidao Yongquan | Guiding Qi to Yongquan

39 怀中抱月 Huaizhong Baoyue | Embracing the Moon

40 商商相接 Shangshang Xiangjie | Connect Shaoshang & Shangyang

41 气沉丹田 Qichen Dantian | Sink Qi to Dantian

第四段: 归元 Di-Si Duan: Gui Yuan Section 4: Return to Source

42 诸葛抚琴 Zhuge Fuqin | Zhuge Liang Playing the Zither

43 双龙戏水 Shuanglong Xishui | Twin Dragons Playing in Water

44 游鱼摆尾 Youyu Baiwei | Swimming Fish Flaps its Tail

45 气贯云门 Qiguan Yunmen | Taking Qi Through Yunmen

46 云门关闭 Yunmen Guanbi | Closing Yunmen

47 更鸡独立 Gengji Duli | Cock Standing on One Leg at Midnight

48 气导涌泉 Qidao Yongquan | Guiding Qi to Yongquan

49 气息归元 Qixi Guiyuan | Restoring Energy & Breathing


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